A downloadable game for Windows

Team Goomba's effort of using chop chop assets to design their own game.

not really choppy, but kinda choppy.

Version Logs:

0: initial build

0.1:  enlarged sizes of collectible objects & added rotating effects to them to emphasize objectives(to collect them)

0.2: increased player speed; updated hurdle scene's environment(newly imported assets); updated racing scene's mechanics(procedurally generated foods; race against time; new point system); updated some text-based UI with arts; removed HP system for clarity; changed up racing scene's background music

0.3: added glowing effects and sound effects to collectible objects for juiciness and further emphasize objectives; modified time limits for better balance; updated point system for clarity(5-15 points per collection based on the size → 1 point per collection); removed attacking & enemies in racing scene to get rid of unused mechanics and distractions


0.zip 350 MB
0.1.zip 349 MB
0.2.zip 340 MB
0.3.zip 339 MB
0.3.1.zip 340 MB
0.3.2.zip 340 MB

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